Derby Street Railway Derby

Facts and Figures

Current NumberDerby
Railway RepresentedDerby Street Railway
Built In1888
Builder's order id
Currently in (State)Connecticut
--(Locality)East Haven
Totally out of svc date1906
(Initial retirement date)1889
Car Typelocomotive
-subtypeextremely early box cab
Statusdisplayed operable
More info
Roof typeAR
Total HP75
TrucksPullman #5 Pedestal
MotorsVan Depoele (1)
Voltage (if not 600DC)
NotesLettered "Ansonia Derby & Birmingham"; originally had Van Depoele control; thought to be first electric car preserved in North America

"Derby" on display at Branford in 2009

"Derby" on display at Branford in 2006

Car History by Jeff Hakner & Frank Hicks

Derby Street Railway Derby
Among the most historically significant pieces of preserved railway equipment is this locomotive. It is the oldest surviving North American electric locomotive to have been used commercially (there are older experimental or demonstrator locomotives in existence). In the 1880's several different inventors produced prototype electric railway systems; though Frank Sprague's became the universally accepted type, a major rival was Charles Van Depoele. Van Depoele's design was to place a single motor on the car platform and connect it using chain drive. Several early electric railway were equipped thusly before the merits of Sprague's system of axle-mounted motors became obvious. This locomotive, nicknamed the "Derby," was built in 1887 for the Derby Horse Railroad, which despite its name, was from the start an electric trolley line. It was later known as the Derby Street Railway. Van Depoele, who was deploying a trolley line in Jamaica, NY at the time, was chosen as the engineer. Part of the business plan of the Derby line was to haul freight. The Derby locomotive was ordered from Pullman and equipped by Van Depoele with a single 75hp motor. It was not referred to as a locomotive; the lettering proclaimed it the "Electric Line Motor".

During the construction of the line, a competing railroad reinforced a bridge under which the line passed. The ulterior motive of this act was to block the trolley line from reaching the waterfront and bypassing the railroad's freight business. Thus, the Derby Locomotive's roof had to be lowered and the trolley pole supported by a collapsible tower.

The Derby St. Ry. began hauling freight in July 1888 but discontinued this service in October 1889, giving the Derby locomotive a service life of just one year. Sometime between 1900 and 1906 it was put on display in Pine Rock Grove, a park owned by Connecticut Railway & Lighting, which had acquired DSR in 1900. In 1914 the heavily vandalized locomotive was moved to the shops of the Connecticut Company (which had acquired CR&L) and put into protective storage, having gained the affections of master mechanic Charles Rufus Harte. In 1928 it was transferred to the New Haven RR, which cosmetically restored the "Derby" and spent the next twenty years trotting it out for display at fairs and various special occasions. In 1950 the Danbury Fair bought the "Derby" for $250 and displayed it annually until it was acquired by BERA. Between 1982 and 1987 the locomotive was completely restored by BERA and made operational, complete with its totally rebuilt Van Depoele motor.

Ownership History

OwnerCar NumFromToPreservation?Loan?
Derby Street Railway (Connecticut, Derby)Derby1888 1900 NO NO
Connecticut Railway & Lighting (Connecticut, Bridgeport)Derby1900 1906 NO NO
Consolidated Railway (Connecticut, New Haven)Derby1906 1907 YES NO
Connecticut Company (Connecticut, New Haven)Derby1907 1928 YES NO
New York New Haven & Hartford (Connecticut, New Haven)Derby1928 1950 YES NO
Great Danbury Fair (Connecticut, Danbury)Derby1950 1982 YES NO
Branford Electric Railway Association (Connecticut, East Haven)Derby1982 present YES NO

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