Cincinnati & Lake Erie 116

Facts and Figures

Current Number116
Railway RepresentedCincinnati & Lake Erie
BuilderCincinnati Car Company
Built In1930
Builder's order id3055
Currently in (State)Connecticut
--(Locality)East Haven
Totally out of svc date1954
(Initial retirement date)1953
Car Typeinterurban
-subtypelightweight/highspeed car
Statusoperated occasionally
More info
Roof typeAR
Total HP400
TrucksCincinnati ABC-74D
BrakesSME (MD33)
ControlGE PC-12E4 (C129A)
MotorsGE 706A1 (4)
Voltage (if not 600DC)
NotesBrakes include electro-magnetic track brakes

Car 116 in operation at Branford in 2023

Car 116 in operation at Branford in 2023
River Rail Photo

Car History by Frank Hicks

Cincinnati & Lake Erie 116
One of four C&LE "Red Devil" lightweight high-speed interurban cars to survive is this piece of equipment. It was built for the C&LE as part of an order for twenty cars, ten coaches and ten coach/parlor cars, that were intended to modernize the system. The new cars had revolutionary features like automotive-inspired styling, aluminum sides, and magnetic track brakes. Declining ridership led the C&LE to abandon all passenger service in 1938, however, at which time six coaches - including 116 - were sold to the CR&IC, or "Crandic." These six cars ran on the Crandic until that line was abandoned in 1953, when four of them were sold off intact. Car 116 was bought by BERA and moved to Connecticut. In the 1970's restoration work was begun to return the car to its appearance on the C&LE however this work was not completed, and the car is stored in good condition in a state of suspended restoration.

Ownership History

OwnerCar NumFromToPreservation?Loan?
Cincinnati & Lake Erie (Ohio, Moraine)1161930 1938 NO NO
Cedar Rapids & Iowa City (Iowa, Cedar Rapids)1161938 1954 NO NO
Branford Electric Railway Association (Connecticut, East Haven)1161954 present YES NO

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