Chicago Transit Authority 6712

Facts and Figures

Current Number6712
Railway RepresentedChicago Transit Authority
BuilderSt. Louis Car Company
Built In1959
Builder's order id1803
Currently in (State)Illinois
Totally out of svc date1993
(Initial retirement date)1992
Car Typerapid transit car
-subtypehalf of married-pair PCC set
Statusoperated occasionally
More info
Roof typeAR
Total HP220
TrucksSt Louis B3
ControlWH XDA1G (B2A)
MotorsGE 1220F1 (4)
Voltage (if not 600DC)
NotesPaired with #6711; former "G. Washington"

Car 6712 in operation in Chicago in 2019

Car 6712 in Chicago in 2019

Car History by Frank Hicks

Chicago Transit Authority 6711-6712
Between 1950 and 1959, the CTA took delivery of 670 rapid transit cars of a type generally known as 6000's. The 6000's used modern PCC trucks and control equipment and nearly all extensively used remanufactured components from scrapped Chicago PCC streetcars, which lent them a distinctive look with their small standee windows. The first 620 cars were numbered 6001-6720 and were arranged in permanently-coupled ("married") pairs while for the last fifty cars, numbered 1-50, CTA chose a more traditional single car layout. The 6000's were delivered between 1950 and 1959 over the course of three major groups. The third group, cars 6471-6720, was delivered in the late 1950's. They were substantially identical to the previous group of 270 cars, though there were some minor modifications. Cars 6711-6712 ran on the CTA for more than 30 years. During the mid-1970's this set was chosen as one of several painted in a patriotic Bicentennial paint scheme, and the set got a name: G. Washington. During the 1980's it lost its special paint job and continued in regular service until the last of the 6000's were retired in late 1992. The set was then acquired by MoT, where it has been in storage ever since. This is the newest intact set of 6000's to be preserved.

Ownership History

OwnerCar NumFromToPreservation?Loan?
Chicago Transit Authority (Illinois, Chicago)67121959 1993 NO NO
National Museum of Transportation (Missouri, Kirkwood)67121993 2017 YES NO
Chicago Transit Authority (Illinois, Chicago)67122017 present YES NO

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