DC Transit 1430

Facts and Figures

Current Number1430
Railway RepresentedDC Transit
BuilderSt. Louis Car Company
Built In1944
Builder's order id1638
Currently in (State)Maryland
Totally out of svc date1966
(Initial retirement date)1962
Car Typestreetcar
-subtypePCC, prewar
Statusdisplayed inoperable
More infohttp://dctrolley.org/DCTS1430.htm
Roof typeAR
Total HP220
TrucksClark B2
ControlGE 17KM12D1
MotorsGE 1198F3 (4)
Voltage (if not 600DC)

Car 1430 on display at NCTM in 2018
Preserved Traction Blog
photo: https://pnaerc.blogspot.com/2017/01/photo-gallery.html

Car 1430 on display at NCTM in 2016
photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/37640374@N04/25988132071/

Car History by Peter Kohler & Wesley Paulson

DC Transit 1430
Constructed in 1944 under sanctions of the War Production Board, cars Capital Transit 1400-1464 earned the nick-name of “War Baby PCCs”. Although built to prewar specifications, cars in this order were stripped of all non-essentials, including the traditional PCC headlight wings and curved aluminum trim at the car ends, which was replaced by dark grey striping. Painted steel replaced chromed anti-climbers, and stainless steel window sash, window guards and seat frames. Capital Transit also modified 1430 with air-operated drum brakes in lieu of tread brake shoes. These cars also were the first in Washington to feature dash lights. DCTS 1430 was based at the Northern Division (Decatur) and provided service on 14th Street. Considered the least well-constructed PCC cars in the fleet, the cars in the 1400-1464 series were the first PCCs stored as ridership declined in the late 1950s. Rockhill Trolley Museum purchased DC Transit 1430 from a junk dealer in 1966 and traded the car to NCTM in 1997. It is in storage awaiting restoration.

Ownership History

OwnerCar NumFromToPreservation?Loan?
Capital Transit (District of Columbia, Washington)14301944 1956 NO NO
DC Transit (District of Columbia, Washington)14301956 1962 NO NO
Rockhill Trolley Museum (Pennsylvania, Rockhill Furnace)14301966 1997 YES NO
National Capital Trolley Museum (Maryland, Wheaton)14301997 present YES NO

Additional Media

[No preview available]

Car 1430 during switching at NCTM in 2022
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bebpvd19ZhE